Unlock the Magic of Storytelling

Discover the profound alchemy of owning your story and changing the outcome

Transform life's disappointments into a captivating fairy tale that you can publish

Learn the satisfaction of using metaphor in storytelling

All fairy tales have disappointments as their cause. Join the echelon of fairy tale writers in all countries by creating your own.

Meet Our Guide

White Blond woman in front of a vine covered porch in CO

Fairy Tale Expert - Frankie Rollins

Master of Enchantment at Fifth Brain Collective

As a fiction writer and teacher of 25 years and thousands of students, I've got your back while you experiment with writing. I'm an enthusiastic mentor with copious craft knowledge and an everlasting curiosity about what you will write. Feel free to email with any questions about the workshop: [email protected]

Welcome to Your Super Power

A father abandons his children in a forest during a famine. A child finds her grandmother the victim of a wolf attack. A monkey is betrayed by his best friend, the crocodile. Fairy and folk tales have disappointment at their core and bear implied caution about how to navigate a difficult world. Add your own story to this pantheon of tales based on your own grievance!

Unlock Your Writing Magic

Sip the power of writing in this playful method of creating stories from real life experiences with a sympathetic, trustworthy, radiant guide. As always, we offer a Money Back Guarantee! 


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