Explore Experiences, Themes, Symbols of You-ness!

You Have What You Need to Write

Finding the Material That Is Already There

  • Lists From Your Life

  • Playing with Psychic Distance and Immediacy

  • Finding the Symbols That Arise

  • Weekly Live Group Chat with Frankie

  • Access to the Fifth Brain Community Page for Sharing Work

  • Unlimited Access to Course

  • Access to Resource Library


Frankie Rollins

Frankie Rollins is the author of DO YOU FEEL LIKE WRITING? and two books of fiction, THE GRIEF MANUSCRIPT, and THE SIN EATER AND OTHER STORIES. Originally advertising her classes with a sandwich board at a farmer’s market in 2001, Frankie has taught creative writing in import stores, living rooms, coffee shops, florists, K-12 classrooms, and in scores of college classrooms, traditional and online.