What this free course offers:

The most essential tools for being a writer are already inside you! 30 minutes of videos and readings with three writing prompts.

  • Examine Your Relationship to Imagination and Creativity

  • Engage with Writing Prompts

  • Resource Library


Frankie Rollins

Frankie Rollins is the author of DO YOU FEEL LIKE WRITING? and two books of fiction, THE GRIEF MANUSCRIPT, and THE SIN EATER AND OTHER STORIES. Originally advertising her classes with a sandwich board at a farmer’s market in 2001, Frankie has taught creative writing in import stores, living rooms, coffee shops, florists, K-12 classrooms, and in scores of college classrooms, traditional and online.


Create the Conduit

Victor Valdivia

The fifth brain manifests for the speaker as surprises that occur during the writing process. Sometimes, when they start writing a scene, it takes a completely different direction than what they initially intended. The revelation helped unlock a lot of things that were very difficult for me to write, such as love scenes. It became easier once I understood the character's motivations. The fifth brain is another lens to see their characters and their motivations. It makes the writing process easier. I just have to create the conduit to let it come out.

Navigate the Creative Process

Felicia Shakman

Frankie Rollins possesses an effervescent, engaging, and magnetic personality. Her energy of kindness, delightful sense of humor, quick wit, and true warmth draw everyone she encounters towards the radiant light of her being. Frankie Rollins has a sincere and delightful zeal for people and their own stories and journeys. She elevates the concept of curiosity to an exalted state. She is a great encourager and champion for people to explore and hone their own gifts, and is masterfully skilled at helping others navigate the creative process.

A Medium for Creative Energies

Emma Ivy Brack

I met Frankie in my undergrad and had the pleasure of working with her as my mentor, which has been a gift that continues to give to me. She exudes an energy that encourages her students and mentees to take up the space they deserve and seize their potential. Her superpowers go beyond creative writing into creative offerings of support and techniques to push you towards your writing goals. She is a medium for your creative energies, but she never takes away from the individuality of one's work. Frankie intertwines equity and social prosperity into her approaches. She works as a gardener of visionaries, tending and encouraging you to strive towards your sun, whatever that may be. During the times I worked under Frankie's guidance, she offered me insights, attitude adjustments, and a cultivation of confidence that helped me to become not only a better writer, but truly a kinder and more grounded person. She has helped to offer nuance to my perspectives, both in technical writing and in my personal life, that I didn't have before working with her. When I doubt myself I can hear Frankie's encouragement that my voice, writing, and perspectives belong in the world. Working with Frankie changed my life! I encourage everyone to reach out to her and soak up her juicy writing alchemy!

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